Having all my travel things done is a funny feeling, almost like the reality of moving was sort of held at arms length a little bit, because I knew there was a big family trip coming up and then I knew I’d be back in the UK sooner than I’d expected to have gone back, and so it sort of felt like *this* was the holiday a little bit. And now I have no plans to be getting on 25+ hour flights, and life here is getting a bit more settled.
Truthfully, moving countries takes up a lot of brain space — space that I think I was using before to write, to read, to think up reading courses, to find the links between what I was reading and a song I heard a week ago or a film I saw or a different book I read. There’s a tab open on my laptop to a 40,000 word Google doc that I haven’t added to for months. There are books downloaded to my kindle which have sat unopened for weeks. I feel like I’ve been slacking. Except, of course I haven’t; I’ve been moving countries and building a new life in a new place I’ve never lived in before, and that takes up brain space. As it should. It would be weird if it didn’t.
This is really to say that new things are coming, the Fairy Tales course I’ve been thinking about for six months is slowly taking shape, and I can actually put things together now that I have my books here and I’m not going off on a (glorious, but not productive for work-things) five week trip.
Realistically, I think it’ll be a January/February course. I’d planned to do it much earlier, but I had also planned on having the books I needed for it being here ~six months earlier than they arrived. So, in the meantime, I’m going to bring back the mini-workshops and I’m planning the next readalong, I’m just debating whether to go for something old or something new.
Also, some manifesting, I guess:
I’d love to do some more in-person workshops, so if you’re in Brisbane and you want to do something — a workshop, a book club, a writing hour — in person, give me a wave. (If you’re a creative type in Brisbane, give me a wave anyway. Let’s be pals.)